Mobility Opportunities

1. "SOCIOHISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY TECHNOLOGIES", Polytechnic University of Prague (Czech Republic).

- Technical and scientific cultures and social development: the Czech example, M. Efmertová
In this seminar, technology and science are explained as cultural, social and economic phenomena, focusing on their influence on the development of European and Czech society from the 18th to the 20th century. The seminar examines the transfer of scientific and technical knowledge and its acceptance in Czech countries. It also looks at the development of the professions of scientists and technicians and their influence on European, Czech and Czechoslovak society. In addition, the forms of urbanisation and industrialisation, as well as their social and cultural aspects, are presented.

- Technosciences and the Making of History, J. Mikeš, Z. Beneš, M. Pospišil, M. Efmertová
The seminar analyzes the relations between science, technology, society and culture in Europe and in Czechoslovakia. It studies the construction of a historiography of techniques and compares the influence of this double factual and intellectual construction between 1st and 2nd industrialization.

- History of electricity and electrification, M. Efmertová
The seminar presents the development of the electrotechnical industry in the European context. The seminar presents the development of the electrotechnical industry in the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia: the map of electrification, electric transport in the framework of railroads and cities, the formation and influence of electrotechnical elites in Czech society between the 19th and 21st centuries; the comparison of electrification systems in Europe, the development of cybernetics and the generation of computers, the internet and the web; the place of electrotechnics in the economy and in social life.



- Languages and representations of industrial heritage in Spain. Socio-cultural analysis, M. del Mar Diaz Gonzales
The seminar proposes a socio-cultural analysis of the historical industrial heritage and the intangible heritage related to industrialization, orienting it towards research but also towards professional practice. The seminar works from a theoretical reflection on the subject, but proposing at the same time an evaluation of the degree of conservation of the remains, their cataloguing and the management of private and public archive documents for the interpretation of these material testimonies.

- Semiotics of historical spaces of European coal mining, J. Muniz Sanchez

The seminar proposes a theoretical-practical analysis of the organisation of industrial spaces from the point of view of semiotics, with the aim of obtaining socio-cultural tools for research and theoretical reflection, as well as procedures for identifying and classifying the different elements of the spatial organisation of collieries. The seminar will take a comparative approach to various case studies in Europe.

- Design and ergonomics of interior spaces: socio-cultural analysis, A. M. Fernandez Garcia
The seminar proposes a cultural analysis of modern domestic space from the 18th century to the present. With practical examples, it shows the configuration of modern space based on criteria such as gender segregation, age or social position, but also based on technological progress that proposes decisive changes. The home becomes a space of physical, social and symbolic complexity adapted to a changing society.



- Port cities in the Maghreb, urban development and exchange networks, S. Mokni
The seminar offers an introduction to the interest of urban heritage of port cities, the case of the Gulf of Gabes-Tunisia in antiquity, in its material and immaterial expressions. It highlights the architectural and artistic melting pot impacted by socio-economic and cultural relations with local, regional and Mediterranean environments. The seminar includes theoretical training and field trips.

- Monuments and construction techniques in the medieval Maghreb, H. Abdouli
Focusing on the coastal cities of medieval Ifriquya (fortifications and fortified works), the seminar synthesizes Aghlabid and Fatimid military architecture: watchtowers (tower, manar-nadhur...) and barracks (Ribat-Hisn...). It also aims to determine the materials and techniques of fortifications. The seminar includes a theoretical training and field visits 'Ribat of Monastir and / or that of Sousse- the city of Mahdiya or that of Sfax).

- Cultural tourism and sustainable development, Z. Hammami
The seminar is interested in studying the enhancement of heritage for local and regional sustainable development. The ksour, troglodytes, Berber villages and the various components of the intangible Amazigh heritage of the chain of Matmatas-Demmer (South-East Tunisia) are a case study expressive. This is a region whose tourism development is experiencing a strong duality between tourism of passage and alternative tourism guided by local actors and responsible tour operators. In addition to a conceptual part, field trips are envisaged in the framework of this seminar.


4. "MATERIAL AND IMMATERIAL HERITAGE IN WEST AFRICA", Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal).

- Archaeology and management of the heritage of the Saloum Delta. M. Sall
The seminar presents the archaeological discoveries (shell heaps, pottery, iron metallurgy, shell and earthen mounds) from research conducted in the Saloum Delta, a World Heritage Site since 2011. The approach will also focus on interculturalities, traditional know-how related to the exploitation and management of the mangrove, technological innovations and especially the conservation and management of this threatened heritage. In addition to the theoretical seminar, a stay on the site is planned.

- Colonial and indigenous built heritage, S. Loukou, A. Jouga
This seminar allows students to acquire basic notions of the study of traditional and modern architectural heritage through legal texts and concrete examples. It will also allow to approach the valorization and the study of this heritage little studied and confronted with major threats and problems of restoration. Visits of buildings are planned.

- Traditional know-how, A. Deme
This course explores how knowledge is shared and named in Segambia. It analyzes traditional knowledge with its associated protocols and its social, cultural, economic and ontological implications. These implications affect how this knowledge affects the doing (the gesture) in product design, manufacture and presentation. Practical examples will be drawn from Senegalese artisans and communities.



- Local heritage management and regional architecture, J. Kikata
In this seminar, students learn about the unique building methods of southern Japan compared to the rest of the country. It then introduces the reality of heritage sites that are exposed to local natural threats such as typhoons and torrential rains, and the efforts made to preserve them. The instruction is given in English.

- World Heritage in the Kagoshima Region, M. Hagino, S. Nishimura
The objective of this seminar is to provide students with knowledge about tourism and the ability to reconfigure that knowledge. This course focuses on the sites in Kagoshima that are included in the World Heritage Sites of the Meiji Industrial Revolution in Japan: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining: the former Shuseikan, Terayama Coal Tower and Sekiyoshi Gate of Yoshino Canal. Instruction is given in English.

- Cultural Sciences in the Amami Islands, I. Kaneshiro, S. Yamamoto
In this seminar, students will learn to understand the plurality of local cultures from the perspective of cultural anthropology and ethnobotany, considering the Amami Islands as a terrain where Yamato (Central Japan) and Ryukyu cultures overlap. The course is taught in English.



- The Jesuit production system in Cordoba, the Camino de las Estancias, E. Venturini, A. Sabatte
The seminar deals with the establishment of the Order of the Society of Jesus in Córdoba, through the creation of an entire system that was organised and consolidated during the colonial period. Based in the capital, it had influence over a vast territory known as the Province of Paraquaria. Forged through a network of rural productive nodes, this territory was a real support for the tasks of the order at regional level and saw the creation of educational institutions that nurtured both the Church and the society of the time. The construction of the complex in the Jesuit block and its impact on the urban structure explain the cultural heritage that characterises the landscape of Cordoba's historic centre. The seminar also looks at the process of declaring the site a World Heritage Site, while providing a space for reflection on the dynamics of UNESCO's intervention in the field of heritage. The Jesuit Estancias as a production system in the colonial period (Alta Gracia) will be proposed as a case study.

- The path of the wine. Region of Cuyo, L. Girini
The seminar proposes a theoretical-practical analysis of the organization of the cultural landscapes of the west of the Argentine Republic, especially those gathered in the system known as the "wine path", in their material and immaterial expressions.

- International Cultural Landscapes, Case Studies, M. Santangello
The seminar proposes a theoretical-practical analysis of cultural landscapes through a comparative study, where common problems are put into perspective in various international spaces (central Argentina, Italian Padania). The seminar includes theoretical training and field visits.



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