Université de Ougadougou
The Joseph KI-ZERBO University of Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso is the oldest and largest university in Burkina Faso. Born following the cooperation agreement signed in Paris on 24 April 1961 between Upper Volta and France, the Joseph KI-ZERBO University is the translation of the will of the political authorities of the time to reaffirm the national sovereignty in the field of higher education. First established as the Centre d'Enseignement Supérieur de Ouagadougou (CESUP) by Ordinance N° 69-024/PRES/ENJS of 5 May 1969, it is only from 1 April 1974 that the University of Ouagadougou (former name) was given its name by Ordinance N°74-031/PRES/EN of 19 April 1974. It has undergone several changes (restructuring, refoundation, etc.) during its evolution. The Joseph KI-ZERBO University was set up as a Public Institution of a scientific, cultural and technical nature (EPSCT) by Decree N°2000-469/PRES/PM/MESSRS of 6 October 2000.
The Joseph KI-ZERBO University has been ranked in recent years among the best universities in French-speaking Africa. It occupies a place of choice at the international level in terms of scientific productions, contribution of teachers-researchers to debates, their presence and participation in scientific bodies (learned societies, international research projects and programmes, colloquiums and seminars), etc.
The Joseph Ki-Zerbo University in figures is 44,860 students of which 33% are girls; 1136 teachers of which 616 are permanent and 520 temporary; 520 ATOS personnel of which civil servants and contractuals; more than 75 training courses; 54 research laboratories; nearly 13,000 new baccalaureate students oriented each year in the first year of the Licence; 3 incubators; 1 orchestra; 1 sports club (Université Club de Ouagadougou, UCO, 13 sports disciplines); 1 artistic ensemble (Orchestra, Theatre Troupe, Tradi-modern Dance Troupe); 1 university pedagogy centre; 2 centres of excellence; 1 radio (Radio Campus, 91. 2 FM); 1 guest house with 20 rooms; 19 libraries with a capacity of over 1000 seats; 1 pet shop.

Contact Person
Foniyama Elise Ilboudo/Thiombiano
Grade: Lecturer, head of the research team "History of techniques", previously Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism of Burkina Faso
Institution: Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Expertise: archaeology; history of techniques; management of cultural heritage
Latest publications:
- THIOMBIANO F. Elise, « Réflexions sur l’institution éco muséale en Afrique : Etude de cas au Burkina Faso », Annales Nouvelle Série A, Vol. 22, Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales Presses Universitaires de Ouagadougou, Décembre 2017, p.177-191.
- THIOMBIANO F. Elise, « Recherches archéo métallurgiques dans les provinces du Sanmatenga et de l’Oubritenga au Burkina Faso: Cas des fourneaux à blocs cylindriques », Annales Nouvelle Série A, Vol. 21, Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales Presses Universitaires de Ouagadougou, Décembre 2016, p. 41-53.
- THIOMBIANO F. Elise, « Patrimoine historique et archéologique et développement économique du Gulmu au Burkina Faso », Cahiers du Cerlesh, Tome XXIX, N° 47, juin 2014, PUO Ouagadougou, p. 25-48.
- THIOMBIANO F. Elise, « La métallurgie ancienne du fer à Bandingue (Namoungou Burkina Faso) : ses implications socio-culturelles, religieuses et culturelles », Annales Nouvelle Série A, Vol. 19, Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales Presses Universitaires de Ouagadougou, 2014, p. 125-146.