Les enseignants de l'Université de Kagoshima

Junne Kikata

Satoru Nishimura

Itoe Kaneshiro

Sota Yamamoto

Fonction : Professeur
Institution de rattachement : Université de Kagoshima
Expertise : Histoire de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme ; architecture industrielle.
Dernières publications :
- KIKATA Junne, "Street Plan", Review of the “Explanation of the Plan for Osaka", 2021.
- KIKATA Junne, "Proceedings of The 18th International Planning History Society Conference", 2018.
- KIKATA Junne, Les Campus universitaires - Architecture et urbanisme, histoire et sociologie, état des lieux et perspectives, Collection Histoire de l'art, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan 7, 2014.

Fonction : Professeur
Institution de rattachement : Université de Kagoshima
Expertise : Développement économique ; développement régional ; économies villageoises des pays de l'Asie du Sud-Est et du Pacifique.
Dernières publications :
- NISHIMURA Satoru, "Community Business: Searching for a New Regional Concept", Boarder Inc Publisher, Japan, 2020.
- NISHIMURA Satoru, "The Tokara Islands", Kagoshima University International Center for Islands Studies, 2020.
- NISHIMURA Satoru, "Community perceptions of protective practices to prevent ash exposures around Sakuraiima volcano", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Japan, 2020.

Fonction : Professeur
Institution de rattachement : Cultural anthropology and folklore
Expertise : Anthropologie culturelle, folklore
Dernières publications :
- KANESHIRO Itoe, "An introduction to Cultural Anthropology in Japan", Showado, Japan, 2021.
- KANESHIRO Itoe, "A case study of the public charnel facilities in Amami-Oshima", History, Culture and Social Diversity of the Amami Islands, Japan, 2020.
- KANESHIRO Itoe, "Disasters Memories in Practice and the Struggles Involved", Bullet of the National Museum of Japenese History, 2019.

Fonction : Professeur
Institution de rattachement : Université de Kagoshima
Expertise : Domestication ; ethnobotanique
Dernières publications :
- YAMAMOTO Sota, "An enthnobotanical study on Capsicum peppers in Maluku Province, Indonesia", Tropical Agriculture and Development, 2021, p. 1-9.
- YAMAMOTO Sota, "Use of Capsicum peppers in Micronesia", The Journal of Islands Studies, 2021, p. 41-56.
- YAMAMOTO Sota, "Long term survey of food consumption on Pingelap Island", The Journal of Islands Studies, 2019, p. 141-154.