Teachers of University of Padua



Elena Canadelli


David Celetti


Ferdinando Fava


Giovanni Luigi Fontana


Marco Giampieretti


Carolina Lussana


Chiara Rabbiosi





Guido Vittorio Zucconi



Grade: Professore Associato (Associate Professor)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Padova
Histoy of industry and innovation ; history of management ; history of the international trade, the multinational companies and  international economic  institutions

Latest publications:
- BERTILORENZI Marco, DUBRUC Nadine, PASSAQUI Jean-Philippe, Henri Fayol.  Les multiples facettes d'un manager, Paris, Presses des Mines, 2019.
- BERTILORENZI Marco, The International Aluminium Cartel, 1886-1978. The Business and Politics of an Industrial Cooperative Institution, London, Routledge, 2016.
- BERTILORENZI Marco, GARCON Anne-Françoise, PASSAQUI Jean-Philippe, Entre technique et gestion. Une histoire des ingénieurs civils des mines, Paris, Presses des Mines, 2016.
- BERTILORENZI Marco, GARCON Anne-Françoise, « De la pratique à une science? L'œuvre d'Henri Fayol dans son contexte conceptuel », Entreprises et Histoire, n. 83, 2016.



Grade: Professoressa assiocata (Associate Professor)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Padova
History of museums; visual and material history of science and technology; museology.

Latest publications:
- CANADELLI Elena, "Mobilizing Pictures. The History of Science through the Lens of Mobility", dans BIASIORI Lucio, MAZZINI Federico, RABBIOSI Chiara (eds), Reimagining Mobilities: Humanities Perspectives, Londres,  Routledge, 2023, p. 38-52.
- CANADELLI Elena, "La realtà delle scienziate. Una storia novecentesca", dans SORBA Carlotta, MARTINI Andrea (eds.), L’università delle donne, Rome, Donzelli 2021, p. 183-199.
- CANADELLI Elena, "Crossing the Iron Curtain. Milan’s Museum of Technology and Transnational Exchanges before and after World War II", dans HOCHADEL Oliver, GANTNER Eszter, HEIN-KIRCHER Heidi (eds.), Interurban Knowledge Exchange in Southern and Eastern Europe, 1870-1950, Londres, Routledge, 2020, p. 261-284.
- CANADELLI Elena, Documentare e celebrare: Pier Andrea Saccardo e l’Iconoteca dei botanici di Padova tra Otto e Novecento", Physis. Rivista internazionale di storia della scienza, 2020, LV, p. 71-86.



Grade: Professore assiocato (Associate Professor)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Padova
Economic and social history; local and sustainable development; models of transition from agriculture to industry and industrialization; international economic relations; history of industrial heritage; urban history.

Latest publications:
- CELETTI David, "Bozhko Larisa, Industrial Districts and Industrial Clusters. Conceptual Approaches from Italian and Eurasian Experiences", dans MARTINAT Stanislav, KUMAR Vikas, TORRE André, LAVRIKOVA Yuliya, KUZMIN Evgeny (eds), Landmarks for Spatial Development. Equality or Differentiation, New York, Springer, 2023, p. 169-187.
- CELETTI David, "Territorial distribution of economic activities and resilience in Vicenza’s jewellery industry", R-Economy, 8 (4), 2022, p. 384-395.
- CELETTI David, "Mixt Agriculture and Diffused Industrialisation. Aspects of North - Eastern Italy Economic Development Path", International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 15, (5), 2022, p. 131-155.
- CELETTI David, 
« Rome et Moscou dans la période entre les deux guerres mondiales: les relations économique de deux partenaires lointains »Ural  Historical Journal, 166, 2020, p. 113-122.


Ferdinando FAVA

Grade: Professore associato (Associate professor)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Padova
Urban anthropology ; urban marginal areas ; epistemology of anthropological inquiry ; ethics and research policy ; anthropology of the heritage.

Latest publications:
- FAVA Ferdinando, "Illusion of Immediate Knowledge or Spiritual Exercise? The Dialogic Exchange and Pierre Bourdieu's Ethnography", A Theoretically Oriented Practice, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 p.129-158.
- FAVA Ferdinando, "Antropologia, Città e Resilienza", MARTINELLI N. (ed), Città, sosteniabilità, resilienza. L' urbanistica italiana di fronte all'Agenda 2030, Roma, Donzelli Editore, in stampa, 2021.
- FAVA Ferdinando, « Covid 19 : invisible et intouchable comme nos liens », SELIM M. (ed), Anthropologie d'une pandémie, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2020 p. 177-182.
 - FAVA Ferdinando, "El antròpologo en la escena etnogràfica. Implicaciòn y lazo emergente", Madrid - Santiago - Montevideo - Asunciòn - Lima - Buenos Aires - Bogotà - México, Editorial SB, 2020 p. 1-160.


Giovanni Luigi FONTANA

Grade: Professore ordinario (Full Professor)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Padova
Economic and social history ; history of industry ; company history ; history of industrial heritage ; local development ; urban history

Latest publications:
FONTANA Giovanni Luigi, GRITTI Andrea, Architecture at Work. Towns and Landscapes of indutrial Heritage, Firenze, Forma Edizioni, 2020.
- FONTANA Giovanni Luigi (ed.),
Patrimoni dell’industria tra Europa e America Latina, Ricerche Storiche, numero 3, 2018.
- FONTANA Giovanni Luigi, "Città, campagna e industria nei paesaggi della modernità", BROGIOLO G., LEONARDI A., TOSCO C. (eds), Paesaggi delle Venezie. Storia ed economia, Venezia, Marsilio, 2017.
- FONTANA Giovanni Luigi, MIRANDA J. A., "The business of fashion in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries", Investigaciones de Historia Económica, 12, 2016.



Grade: Lawyer, Constitutional Law Researcher, Lecturer
Institution: Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Cultural Heritage, Archaeology, Art History, Cinema and Music
Expertise: Constitutional law, economic law, cultural heritage law, industrial heritage law, art law, entertainment law, tourism law.

Latest publications:
- GIAMPIERETTI Marco, FONTANA Giovanni Luigi, "Terre dell’occhiale: un museo diffuso dell’occhialeria bellunese?", dans Edoardo CURRA et al. (eds.), Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale 2022, Proceedings of the International Conference "2° Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale" (Rome - Tivoli, 9-11 June 2022), organised by AIPAI - Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale in collaboration with TICCIH - The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, Padova, Marsilio, 2022.
- GIAMPIERETTI Marco, PRADELLA Giorgio, "Mu.ri museo diffuso regionale dell’ingegneria", dans Edoardo CURRA et al. (eds.), Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale 2022, Proceedings of the International Conference "2° Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale" (Rome - Tivoli, 9-11 June 2022), organised by AIPAI - Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale in collaboration with TICCIH - The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, Padova, Marsilio, 2022.
- GIAMPIERETTI Marco, "Il sistema italiano di salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale e i suoi recenti sviluppi nel quadro internazionale ed europeo", dans ZAGATO Lauso, PINTON Simona, GIAMPIERETTI Marco (eds.), Lezioni di diritto internazionale ed europeo del patrimonio culturale. Protezione e salvaguardia, Venice, Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, 2019, p. 145-173.
- GIAMPIERETTI Marco, "The Italian Draft Law on the Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage”, dans PINTON Simona, ZAGATO Lauso (eds.), Cultural Heritage. Scenarios 2015-2017, Collana Sapere l'Europa, sapere d'Europa, directed by Lauso Zagato, Vol. IV, Venice, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2017, p. 843-869.


Carolina LUSSANA

Grade: Scientific Manager
Institution: Fondazione Dalmine
Expertise: History and archives of companies; history of entrepreneurs; dissemination of history and memory of industrial companies.

Latest publications:
- LUSSANA Carolina, BONFIGLIO-DOSIO Giogetta, NARDI Luisa (ed.), Archivi d'impresa. Archivisti, storici, heritage manager di fronte al cambiamento, Roma, ANAI, 2020.
- LUSSANA Carolina, "Gli archivi industriali come fonte per lo studio delle dinamiche demografiche del Novecento. Il caso di TenarisDalmine, in Per una una storia della popolazione italiana nel Novecento", FORNASIN Alessio, LORENZINI Claudio (eds), Actes du colloques SIDeS, Società italiana di demografia storica, Udine, 8-10 ottobre 2015, Udine, Forum, 2017.
- LUSSANA Carolina, "Fonti e spunti di ricerca dall'archivio della Fondazione Dalmine, in Gli Uffici Tenici delle grandi aziende italiane. Progetti di esportazione di un fare collettivo", MARINI Sara, STANTANGELO Vincenza (eds), Actes du colloque homonyme organisée par Università di Padova, Il Poligrafo, 2014.
LUSSANA Carolina (ed.), Dalmine dall'Archivio fotografico: lo Studio Da Re, Dalmine,  Fondazione Dalmine, 2012.



Grade: Professoressa associata (Associate professor)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Padova
Mobility studies; critical tourism geographies; heritage from below; qualitative methods in the social sciences and humanities.

Latest publications:
- RABBIOSI Chiara, MENEGHELLO Sabrina, "Questioning Walking Tourism from a Phenomenological Perspective: Epistemological and Methodological Innovations", Humanities, 2023, 12(4), 65.
- RABBIOSI Chiara, CISANI Margherita, "Exploring tourism slow mobilities", dans BIASIORi Lucio, MAZZINI Federico, RABBIOSI Chiara (eds.), Reimagining mobilities across the humanities, Vol. 2, Routledge, p. 156 - 169.
- RABBIOSI Chiara, IOANNIDES Dimitri, "Cultural tourism as a tool for transformation in small and medium-sized towns", dans MAYER Heike, LAZZERONI Michela, A Research Agenda for Small and Medium-Sized Towns, Edward Elgar Publisher OpenAccess, 2022, p. 107-126.
- RABBIOSI Chiara, "The frictional geography of cultural heritage. Grounding the Faro Convention into urban experience in Forlì, Italy", Social and Cultural Geography, 23(1), pp. 140-157.


Guido Vittorio ZUCCONI

Grade: Professore ordinario (Full Professor)
Institution: Università IUAV di Venezia
Expertise: History of architecture ; urban history ; history of construction

Latest publications:
- ZUCCONI Guido Vittorio, "'La festa è finita!'. The Question of “Centri storici” in 1970s Italy", BAUMEISTER M. et al. (dir.), Cities Contested. Urban Politics, Heritage and Social Movements in Italy and West Germany in the 1970s, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York 2017, p. 193-210.
- ZUCCONI Guido Vittorio, « Le patrimoine portuaire. Le cas des villes méditerranéennes », CARDOSO DE MATOS A. et al. (eds), L’ingénieur et le patrimoine. Savoirs techniques, aménagement du territoire et mutation du paysage, UTBM/Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, 2016, p. 67-78.
- ZUCCONI Guido Vittorio, « Plans et projets pour une ville en mutation »,  FINCARDI M., TABET X. (dir.), Venise XXe siècle, “Laboratoire italien” n. 15, 2014, p. 93-106.
- ZUCCONI Guido Vittorio, « Gustavo Giovannoni: A Theory and A Practice of Urban Conservation »Change Over Time. An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment (USA), vol. IV, n.1, spring 2014, p. 76-91.



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